Do you swoon over the beauty, intelligence and vibrancy of the White German Shepherd? We can understand why! These majestic dogs are not only stunningly powerful and distinctive in their appearance, but they have a gentle spirit and remarkable brains. If you’ve been contemplating whether to bring home one of these incredible animals as a pet, then hold on tight.
The white German Shepherd is special because its rare white coat amplifies their already iconic good looks. Many report gentler, more-relaxed temperaments than their GSD counterparts. They are literally the ancestors of all German Shepherds and share their intelligence, loyalty, and guarding instincts while making excellent family companions.
In this blog post will take a deep dive into the amazing ways that White German Shepherds make outstanding companions. You’ll discover why these pups often steal hearts throughout their lives with convenient caretaking, extra loyalty and unparalleled loyalty. Get ready to fall in love – it’s time to explore exactly what makes the White German Shepherds so special!
Why is the White German Shepherd so special?
Surveys on Facebook and Reddit of white GSD lovers, owners, and breeders found that many find the dog to be exceptionally beautiful but also extremely loving. Many believe these dogs have softer temperaments and are particularly good with children. They report that the white GSD tends to be well-mannered, smart, and intuitive.
13 Reasons why the White German Shepherd are so special
To really understand why many GSD enthusiasts prefer the white version of our favorite breed, we need to look closer at the qualities that make this dog special.
1. The White German Shepherd began as royalty
The earliest versions of dogs that looked like white German Shepherds were recorded in 1900. They belonged to the Royal Court of the House of Habsburg. These dogs were the court’s preferred canines as they matched the stunning white Lipizzaner horses and the noble ladies’ white ball gowns.
2. The white German Shepherd is the ancestor of all GSDs
A white Shepherd called Greiff is the grandfather of Horand von Grafrath, the forefather of all modern German Shepherds. To read more about how the white GSD is actually the foundation of breeds, see our article: The White German Shepherd – the Ancestor of All GSDs.
White German Shepherd enthusiast, Donya Pearson Deluca believes these dogs are essential to the GSD bloodlines. She explains that “truly, white GSDs should be bred with other GSD colors as well and would improve the diversity of the breed. I would want [the readers] to know that white is not albinism and is not related to any health issues like deafness due to it being a simple masking gene!”
3. The white GSD is an exceptional all-purpose dog
White German Shepherds share their genetics with traditionally colored dogs. This makes them excellent working dogs who act as service dogs and herding dogs and make fantastic pets and companions. In short, they are great all-rounders and suited to many purposes.
“There is no doubt these puppies will be excellent companionship, therapeutic, service, search and rescue, and family dogs. That is why I would choose the White German Shepherd Dog over others” – Lorraine Wetherington reports on Facebook.
You can see the versatility of the white German Shepherds in this video of one taking part in a herding trial:
4. The White German Shepherd is rare
Because white is a recessive gene, only two white German shepherds can have white puppies. This means that white German Shepherds are quite rare. AKC-registered white German Shepherds are perhaps the rarest since these dogs are not allowed to compete in the show ring.
Working-line GSDs also seldom breed any white dogs. However, two closely related breeds, the White Shepherd and the White Swiss Shepherd, are a little easier to come by.
But since the white German Shepherd is not very common, they can be quite expensive. You can read more in our article, How Much Does A White German Shepherd Cost?
5. The White GSD has an excellent temperament
Many white GSD lovers cite these dogs’ temperaments as the reason that they are so special. While the German Shepherd generally has a fantastic bold, alert, and confident temperament, white GSD owners state their dogs are a bit more laid-back and easygoing.
Another point that many owners agree on is that their dogs are extraordinarily loving and make comforting companions.
“My Beaux is a gentle giant. He loves everyone.” – Deborah Carpenter, Facebook
You can read more about the white GSD’s nature in, Are White German Shepherds Aggressive?
6. The White German Shepherd is an excellent guard dog
For those that are skeptical, the white German Shepherd is just as capable of protecting and guarding their families as their darker cousins. Just see this video of a White Shepherd doing bite work:
7. The White Shepherd is a perfect family dog for active homes
The white German Shepherd is well-known for being an excellent family dog as they love to watch over their family. They are energetic dogs and do well with sports and active lifestyles. A great idea is entering your white Shepherd into sports like agility, just like the dog in this video:
“My grandfather would bring him sometimes for preschool pickup, and more than once, he did zoomies in the classroom, and all the kids would just go bananas. Raucous laughter and excitement that knew no bounds”– Reddit user over his grandfather’s white German Shepherd, Lighting.
“They are the most friendly to kids” – Lehare Mosongulo, Facebook
8. The White German Shepherd is one of the most intelligent dogs in the world
As the white German Shepherd shares the same genes as the traditional GSD. This makes it the third smartest dog in the world. According to ScienceAlert.Com, German Shepherds are the third among the “brightest working dogs, who tend to learn a new command in less than five exposures and obey at least 95 percent of the time.”
White GSD breeder, Lorraine Wetherington, writes that not only are her dogs extremely intelligent, but they are amazingly intuitive. She writes:
“My husband walked into the water, and Sheba went in and immediately went to him and grabbed his clothing and pulled him out. They are more intuitive. They seem to know when you aren’t feeling good. I’ve been having pain in my right side. The white Shepherds’ came up to me and gently touched my right side with their noses. It didn’t hurt when they did that. It’s as if they were trying to tell me something. The mother dog of the puppies came up to me when I was about to have a nonepileptic seizure one day. I was able to grab on to her—it’s as if she knew.”
9. The White German Shepherd is one of the most beautiful dogs in the world
Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but many argue that the German Shepherd is one of the most beautiful dogs in the world. Bscholarly. Com ranks the GSD as second in the world. And few can argue that white is one of the most beautiful colors of an already stunning breed.
Many white GSD lovers agree:
“I think they are beautiful. Mine, in particular, has the sweetest personality and the prettiest smile.”– Jerry Fisher, on Facebook.
10. The White German Shepherd is highly adaptable
White German Shepherds can adapt to all kinds of environments. They thrive in the cold and do well in the heat, so long as their owners take precautions. They can adjust to life on a farm just as well as life in a city. These dogs can adjust to nearly anything if their needs for love, socialization, training, and activity are met.
11. The White Shepherd is great with other pets
All dogs need socialization and training, but with their sweet natures, white German Shepherds tend to be great with other animals. This dog is a good choice to raise with cats and other dogs.
They may chase smaller animals, so if you have chickens or hamsters, introduce your puppy early and train them not to chase.
12. The White Shepherd has a softer demeanor
According to Katy Waldman, people find black and darker dogs more scary and intimidating than light-colored dogs. So for those who love German Shepherds, but who don’t want to terrify everyone in the neighborhood, white GSDs are a great option.
13. The White Shepherd does not have show-ring characteristics and yet stunningly beautiful
Some white German Shepherd lovers believe these dogs may be healthier than other GSDs. In general, dogs like the White Swiss Shepherd are bred to be more square and don’t have the sloping backs and over-angulated back legs of some show-ring GSDs.
This may mean that some white GSDs may have fewer hip dysplasia cases and other joint or spine issues.
The white German Shepherd is an exceptional dog. Owners and dog lovers agree that they are a little more laid-back and less scary-looking than the standard GSD. Many also report that these dogs are exceptionally loving and devoted, wanting nothing more than to be close to their people.
They are great family dogs and can do well with other pets. If you want to know more about them, see our article: The White German Shepherd: 10 Facts You Didn’t Know.
Further Questions
Are white German Shepherds rare?
White German Shepherds are rare, as it takes two white parents to breed a white GSD. Since the AKC does not permit white-colored dogs to compete as show dogs, this is one of the rarer colors.
What is the rarest color of German Shepherd?
The rarest German Shepherd color is Isabella. This is a dilute color, which means it is a very light or “washed” out brown or liver coloring.
Are white German Shepherds purebred?
If a white German Shepherd is bred from two purebred white German shepherds, then it is also a purebred white German Shepherd. It may also be a closely related breed, such as the White Swiss Shepherd or White Shepherd.
More on the White German Shepherd

The White German Shepherd – the Ancestor of All GSDs
The White German Shepherds: Why Are They So Special?
The White German Shepherd: 10 Facts You Didn’t Know
How Much Does A White German Shepherd Cost?
Are White German Shepherds Aggressive?
White German Shepherd vs German Shepherd: What’s the Difference?
The Complete Guide to The White Swiss Shepherd