Owning a German Shepherd puppy is a rewarding experience, but when the puppy begins to cry, you might start pulling your hair out. Similar to babies, you can’t understand why the puppy is crying and will do anything to make them stop. How can we tell if a German Shepherd puppy is crying for real or attention?
German Shepherd puppies will cry for any reason; it’s what puppies do. It’s the owner’s job to understand if they’re doing it for attention or if there’s an issue. While the whining and crying might be aggravating, you can do things to lessen the whining and this guide will show you how.
Below are ways to determine if the cause of the dog’s whining is because of boredom or a more concerning issue and what can be done to help the problem.
Why does a German Shepherd puppy cry?
German Shepherds are known to whine more than other dogs. They are born to herd and guard, which makes them whine more to get their owner’s attention; it’s in their breed. As an owner, it’s your responsibility to know why they are whining and when action needs to be taken.
German Shepherds love getting attention from their owners, which could bring whining. If the dog is near you, has toys, and their body language looks good, they probably want your attention. Be careful when giving them attention when they’re whining; it can reinforce bad behavior.
German Shepherds are high-energy dogs and need a lot of exercise to get that energy out. They also need mental stimulation, and if they aren’t provided with activity, they can get bored, and while to let you know they aren’t happy.
If the dog is antsy, jittery, has toys around them, and their routine has been followed, they’re probably whining because they’re bored. If the dog is whining out of boredom, create a play and exercise routine for them.
Similar to people, dogs get scared. They may begin to while around storms, new people, or stressful situations. In this case, they are seeking comfort for their owner. If possible, minimize the citation and comfort the dog. Give them a calming area to relax when if a scary situation.
Our worst fear is our dog getting sick or injured, and a whine indicates something isn’t right. There will also be other signs of illness, like lethargy, lack of appetite, or reduced interest. Take your dog to the vet ASAP if you suspect they are in pain or sick.
German Shepherds are intelligent dogs and will let you know when dinner time has been skipped. If whining occurs around dinner or breakfast time, it’s safe to say the dog is hungry. We get busy too, so pay attention to the time to see if a meal was accidentally skipped.
The Crate
Puppies will cry when being crate trained, and it’s programmed into them. They are in a new environment, away from all they know and love, and it can be scary. Below are some tips on how to get past the crate-crying phase.
Four different types of German Shepherd puppy crying
German Shepherds’ can have different whines for different reasons. This can help indicate if the whine is because of something terrible or less wrong, like boredom. Each German Shepherd has their own unique cry; this is just a reference point.
1. Complaining whine
This is not yet a cry. It’s a low, persistent whine, indicating your pup’s dissatisfaction with the current situation.
2. Puppy whine
The puppy’s high-pitched whimpering was a clear indication of hunger and impatience. It’s literally the sound you can’t resist.
3. Crying for attention
The puppy’s constant whining (usually combined with hi-pitched barking) was a clear indication of a desire for attention and affection.
4. Scared or fear
The puppy’s trembling and whimpering was a clear indication of fear and anxiety.
What to do if a German Shepherd puppy cries?
It’s not uncommon for a German Shepherd puppy to cry. Like a baby, they will cry for no apparent reason, and the older they get, the better it will get. If your puppy cries more often, it’s most likely due to stress or fear.
If your puppy is safe, fed, and not ill, it is best to ignore it and not reinforce bad behavior. If you gave them constant attention with each whine, you could create a bad habit.
What to do if a German Shepherd puppy cries in the crate at night?
Crate training is hard, and it will result in your German Shepherd puppy crying at night. Below are a few tips to make the night easier, according to Wag.
- Make the crate a place your puppy wants to go: Add their favorite toys and blankets, give them treats, and make it a positive area.
- Place the crate where your German Shepherd is near you: it can be a calm and quiet area but make it accessible to the outside since the puppy will need potty breaks.
- Give them treats: Once your German Shepherd settles down in their crate, reward them but don’t shut the door. Let them get used to the crate for a moment.
- When they wake up, grab them before the whining starts and take them potty, this will help make them less scared.
- Repeat and practice: Crate training takes time and can be challenging, especially at 3 am.
How to stop a German Shepherd puppy from crying
When your German Shepherd starts crying, don’t punish it. Instead, don’t encourage the behavior and give them what they want. Ensure that they are okay and rule out if a vet is needed. Give them a toy as a distraction or feed them if it’s close to dinner.
The most important thing is not to encourage the behavior. Don’t immediately run to the dog and give them attention; petting them will teach the dog that whining is okay.
Can a German Shepherd puppy be trained to not cry?
Yes you can work on your German Shepherd puppy not to cry. The easiest way to do this is to create an exercise and play routine to burn out energy and make them tired. German Shepherds love playing outside, and it can give them the stimulation they need to be happy.
Crate training your puppy correctly will also train them not to cry in the crate. While this won’t happen overnight, as long as you stick to a routine, you will notice the crying lessen over time.
What not to do if a German Shepherd puppy cries
It’s easy to get frustrated when your German Shepherd puppy cries. You are tired from being up at night and might lash out. Remember a few things not to do when the puppy cries.
Punishment is the worst possible thing to do when your puppy cries. This can instill fear in your dog and make matters worse. Remember, like a baby; they don’t know any better, and whining is their way to communicate with you. Instead, walk away, breathe, and return to the dog when you’re calm.
It’s easy to encourage whining behavior. We hate seeing our dogs upset and will do anything to help them. Instead, try to redirect the behavior. Allow them to go outside to play, chew on a toy, or relax in their crate until the whining subsides.
What is normal crying vs abnormal crying?
Puppies will cry for a lot of reasons. Don’t be surprised to hear your puppy cry on the way home from the shelter, while in the crate, or needing to use the bathroom. This is all normal for a puppy and how they communicate.
If you notice your puppy is crying more and suddenly, what some would say is out of the blue, you might want to see why. Check for signs of illness or pain. If you’re unsure what to do, take the puppy to the vet as a safety precaution.
You got this
A whining puppy can be alarming, but you’re their owner, and you know them best. Take a moment to reassure yourself that your dog is okay and allow them their moment to whine before redirecting them. It might be a little nerve-wracking, but once you get over this bump, you’re in the clear.
Further Questions
How do you stop a German Shepherd puppy from crying for its owner?
The easiest thing is to set up a routine for them to play and exercise. Crate training is also a great option.
Is it normal for a German Shepherd puppy to whine a lot?
Yes, a German Shepherd puppy will often whine, just like a baby cries a lot.
Should I ignore my puppy when it cries?
No, the whining could indicate there is a problem. Always make sure they are okay, then redirect the dog.
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