Ear allergies can be a common and frustrating problem for German Shepherds and their owners. If your German Shepherd is constantly scratching at their ears, shaking their head, or experiencing redness, swelling, or discharge from their ears, they may be suffering from an ear allergy.
Ear allergies in dogs can be caused by a variety of factors, including environmental allergens such as pollen, mold, and dust mites, as well as food allergies. Other possible causes of ear allergies in dogs include flea bites, certain medications, and certain health conditions such as atopy (inhalant allergies) and dermatitis.
In this blog post, we will explore everything you need to know about ear allergies in German Shepherds, including what causes them, how to recognize the symptoms, and how to effectively treat and prevent them.
What causes ear allergies?
Ear allergies can have many causes. When your GSD has an ear infection or ear allergies, it is usually just a secondary reaction to variety of factors. Your German Shepherd Dog could be having an allergic reaction to a certain type of food, fleas, or an environmental factor such as mold or pollen.
Yeast and bacteria are naturally occurring in a dog’s ears, but when there is an allergy and an adverse immune response, infections can happen. Ears can become inflamed, and your GSD will exhibit symptoms of an ear infection or allergy.
Below are the possible allergies that can lead to ear problems and infections:
Food | Parasites | Environmental |
Protein (chicken, beef) | Fleas | Pollen |
Dairy | Dust mites | Mold |
Grain | Dust |
Symptoms of ear allergies in dogs may include itching, redness and inflammation of the ear, a discharge from the ear, and scratching or rubbing of the ear. If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, it is important to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Are German Shepherds prone to ear allergies?
German Shepherds are not prone to ear allergies, but they are still a possibility. Because GSDs have ears that stand up, they are less likely to get ear allergies. They are usually brought on as a secondary reaction to something. Your GSD may have an allergy to a certain food, this may include protein sources like chicken or beef.
Floppy ears have a harder time getting good airflow and can trap in certain allergens. Some floppy-eared dogs that are prone to ear allergies include:
- Basset Hound
- Golden Retriever
- Beagle
If your GSD seems to only have seasonal ear allergies, it may be due to pollen or a specific type of grass. It can be difficult to narrow down what exactly your GSD is allergic to, but identifying other symptoms may help.
This video explains that while GSDs are not prone to ear allergies, they can still get them:
How can I tell if my GSD has an ear allergy?
A GSD will usually have some symptoms of an ear allergy. Increased scratching and rubbing of their ears may indicate something is wrong.
A bad smell coming from the ear may indicate an increased amount of yeast, which can lead to an ear infection. Displaying signs of pain when you touch their ears is also a sign that something isn’t right.
A GSD can have many different symptoms when an ear allergy is present, including:
- Red ears
- Frequent shaking of their heads
- Bad smell from their ears
- Excessive discharge from ears
- Itching or rubbing ears a lot
Ways to prevent ear allergies
Preventing ear allergies can be done by understanding what is causing the allergic reaction in the first place. If your GSD is displaying other symptoms in addition to ear problems, that can be helpful in determining the cause. It could be a seasonal pollen allergy if they only seem to have itchy ears during the spring.
A German Shepherd Dog that is experiencing stomach issues like diarrhea and vomiting, in addition to ear allergies, probably has a food sensitivity.
Keeping GSD ears clean can help prevent ear troubles, as well.
The three main causes of ear allergies include food, parasites, and environmental factors. So how do you prevent these? Once you know the exact food that’s causing the allergy, simply eliminate it from their diet. However, if you are still uncertain, try a food with a different protein source or a limited-ingredient diet.
Parasites like fleas can be prevented with many different products. There are over-the-counter drops to apply and even prescription medications for prevention. Dust mites can be harder to eliminate. Check areas that might have a lot of dust, high up places, or rarely visited attics or basements, and clean thoroughly.
The biggest environmental factor that can cause ear allergies in German Shepherds is probably pollen. While you cannot eliminate all the pollen outside, you can do some things to help. Take walks and make outside during lower pollen counts, like in the morning and evening can sometimes be better.
How to keep a German Shepherd’s ears clean?
Keeping your GSDs ears clean is an important part of their health. A gentle rinse can be used to clean out their ears. A veterinarian can be consulted for what will work best for your pup’s specific needs. Also, make sure to dry ears after cleaning or getting them wet. It is important not to go too far in the ear, so you do not cause serious damage.
A video demonstrating how to clean a GSDs ears:
How allergies can lead to an ear infection
According to FirstVet, ear infections can happen due to ear allergies. Allergies can damage the skin barrier in the dog’s ear, and wax production will increase. While some yeast and bacteria are present in healthy ears, they will start to increase, leading to possible ear infections. Infections can be very painful and lead to long-lasting damage if not properly treated.
Allergies to fleas, environmental factors, and certain foods could all be the cause for an ear infection. A veterinarian can run tests to determine if the ear infection was because of allergies or something else.
Ear infection information
Understanding an ear infection can help to prevent future ones and help if your GSD is currently experiencing one. There can be three different types of infection based on where it is, specifically in the ear. Yeast and bacteria imbalances play a big role in infections. Also, knowing symptoms is important to identify and treat them as quickly as possible.
Where is the infection?
The American Kennel Club names three different types of infection locations.
An ear infection can be located in three different places in the ear. The externa, is the outer ear canal. The media, is the middle of the ear. Finally, the interna, or inner ear. The further the infection gets in the ear can mean it is getting worse.
Yeast Ear Infection
An overgrowth of yeast and bacteria leads to ear infections in GSDs. If you notice the ear has a bad smell or unusual discharge, that can be a sign of a yeast ear infection. It is important to treat ear infections quickly. A vet may prescribe antibiotics or an ointment depending on severity.
Here is a video with one way to remedy yeast ear infections:
Symptoms of ear infection in dogs
Symptoms of an ear infection can range from discomfort to extremely painful and may include:
- An excessive amount of discharge from ears
- Yelps or cries when ears are touched
- Bad smell
- Excessive rubbing or itching of ears
- Shaking head a lot
- Redness in the ear
The symptoms of ear allergies and infection are pretty similar. So how do I know which my dog has? It may start out with very mild symptoms, including some scratching and pawing at the ear. However, if these symptoms worsen or continue for more than a few days, it may be an ear infection.
How bad can ear infection gets in dogs?
Ear infections in dogs can range in severity from mild to severe. In some cases, a mild ear infection may resolve on its own or with treatment, while more severe infection may require more aggressive treatment.
If left untreated, ear infection can become more severe and cause more serious problems. These can include:
- Damage to the ear canal: The ear canal can become inflamed and swollen, which can make it difficult for the dog to hear or to balance properly.
- Abscesses: An abscess can form in the ear if the infection is not treated, which can be very painful for the dog.
- Damage to the eardrum: The infection can cause the eardrum to become inflamed or even perforated, which can lead to hearing loss or balance problems.
- Systemic infection: In some cases, the infection can spread to other parts of the body, leading to more serious health issues.
Diagnosis of ear infection in dogs
A veterinarian is the best resource when diagnosing an ear infection in your German Shepherd Dog. There is a possibility they have something foreign in their ear or another problem that is not related to an ear infection. They can also advise the best course of treatment. A severe ear infection may need prescriptions to heal it.
A veterinarian can conduct a thorough examination if you are concerned about an ear infection. The vet visit will probably include examining all over your dog to check for any skin allergies as well. Next, they may check the ears and potentially take a sample that can be checked for yeast or bacteria.
Generally, ear infections are a secondary problem that an allergy has caused. If your GSD is experiencing chronic ear infection, it may be due to a food allergy. Seasonal allergies, or ear infections, are usually due to pollen or even a certain type of plant that grows in that season.
Treatment of ear infections in dogs
Once it is determined that your GSD does have an ear infection, treatment can begin. It is important to try to discover the cause. If it is due to allergies that are not addressed, they may begin to have chronic ear infection.
An ear cleanse may be done to treat an ear infection. The ear will be cleaned with a gentle but effective rinse. It may need to be repeated based on how bad the ear infection is.
Medications may also be prescribed to help treat an ear infection. Based on the cause and any results from samples taken, the vet could recommend some different things. Antibiotics, antifungals, or ointments are examples.
Identifying the allergy should be part of the treatment if an allergy caused the ear infection. Testing can be done to help discover the allergy if needed.
How to help your GSDs ear allergy?
Ear allergies can be a scary time for you and your GSD! You might have no idea what the sudden cause of ear pain or itchiness is, and it can be concerning. The best way to help your GSD during this time is to identify the problem and ensure you follow all treatments completely. Pinpointing what caused the allergy will help prevent further problems.
Ear infections caused by allergies can become very bad, so getting help and treatment quickly will help your GSD the most.
German Shepherds’ ears are the trademark signature for this wonderful dog breed. They attribute their striking appearance. They are also very important to take care of! Keeping their ears healthy can help avoid future problems. Keep an eye on anything out of the ordinary when it comes to their ears.
More on German Shepherd Allergies

- Most Common German Shepherd Allergies: What You Need to Know
- How to Help Your German Shepherd With Allergies?
- Ear Allergy in German Shepherds: Everything You Need to Know
- Chicken Allergy in German Shepherds: Everything You Need to Know
- German Shepherd Skin Allergies: Best Tips for Relief
- How to Stop Itching in German Shepherds? Effective Remedies Owners Use
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