You know raw feeding has many benefits to all dogs alike. You read posts from German Shepherds owners saying their dogs thrive on raw food. However, you may be wondering if it’s safe to feed your German Shepherd puppy raw meat.
German Shepherds, like all dogs, are carnivores by nature. Feeding raw meat to German Shepherd puppies is a good way to give them the benefits of high-quality ingredients, as long as teething is completed. Careful steps must be taken to avoid giving your puppy soft, breakable bones that could cause choking.
In the article, you will learn about the many benefits and drawbacks of feeding raw to GSD puppies, different approaches to feeding your puppy raw meat, and suggestions from vets and owners alike.
Is raw meat ok for German Shepherd puppies?
Raw meat is safe for German Shepherd puppies to eat. Before domestication, dogs would hunt and eat animals raw, so they are equipped to handle it. They have stronger stomach acid than humans, which combats contaminants in raw meat such as E.Coli.
Still today, your pup can tolerate raw meat. In fact, some GSD owners choose to feed their dogs raw for every meal. Raw food diets consist not only of raw meat but other raw ingredients such as the following:
- Muscle meats
- Organ meats
- Bones
- Raw eggs
- Vegetables
- Fruit
- Dairy
These diets need to be well balanced to provide your German Shepherd puppy with all of the essential nutrients he needs to thrive.
When can I start feeding my German Shepherd puppy raw?
It would be ideal to feed raw to your GSD puppy from 12 weeks on, when they finish teething and their permanent dentition is fully developed. This can ensure they have teeth strong enough to engage in active chewing of bones and not just gulping it down.
What are the benefits of a raw food diet for German Shepherd puppies?
Feeding your German Shepherd puppy a raw food diet simulates the way they would have eaten before domestication. Because of this, there are several benefits you will see if you switch your puppy over to raw food.
The gold standard diet is as close to the evolutionary diet of dogs and cats as is practically possible, is made from fresh frozen raw meaty bones, meats, organ meats, fruits and vegetables, minimally processed by mincing and freezing. The diet contains no added synthetic supplements, additives or preservatives.
The Raw Feeding Veterinary Society
Raw food cuts out all of the processed food and additives included in commercially produced dog foods. The ingredients you give your pup will be completely under your control and natural.
#1 Raw-feeding opens a variety of food options
Imagine eating the same dry food kibble every day—for your entire life. It would be boring, right? Dogs feel the same way. The same food every day may be nutritious and filling, but it’s much nicer to have a variety.
Feeding raw gives you many opportunities to expand your dog’s pallet. Meal time won’t be a drudge. It will be something your dog looks forward to. Not only will he be getting the extra health benefits of raw food, but he will also be getting the excitement and flavor of different types of foods.
#1 Improves skin and coat
Now, you may be wondering besides control over your German Shepherd puppy’s diet, what health benefits can you expect from raw feeding? Raw feeding improves your dog’s skin and coat.
German Shepherds have double coats. It’s what gives them their adorable look, but it also provides them protection from the elements. After all, GSDs are work dogs. Unfortunately, GSDs are susceptible to sensitivities.
German Shepherds sometimes become allergic to gluten or common animal proteins found in commercial dog foods. They can get itchy, dry, and red skin from allergies either in their environment or diet.
Raw food helps eliminate many of the causes of those skin irritations, leading to healthier skin. Also, you are adding many healthy fats and oils through proteins such as fish and with supplements such as nuts that encourage shinier coats.
#2 Strengthens Immune System
Additionally, raw feeding strengthens your pup’s immune system. Many cheaper commercial dog foods use grains as a cheap alternative for protein. This can cause your dog’s immune system to become weaker.
Excessive amounts of low-quality grains such as wheat middlings and corn gluten can suppress your dog’s immune system. Cutting out these ingredients and adding vegetables such as carrots to your dog’s diet can boost its immune system. Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, an antioxidant and protector of white T cells.
#3 Aids in digestion in GSD puppies
German Shepherd Puppies will especially benefit from the digestive benefits of switching to raw food. GSDs are prone to stomach sensitivities, especially to proteins such as beef, lamb, and chicken commonly found in commercial dog foods.
By feeding raw, you can offer your dog alternative proteins to keep their stomach happy. This promotes more solid stools and fewer episodes of nausea and diarrhea.
#4 Lets you know exactly what you are feeding your dog
When you feed your puppy raw, you can control what your dog is eating. You can provide high-quality proteins with nutrient-packed organ meat and whole, raw vegetables packed with vitamins.
Many cheap commercial dog foods fill their formulas with low-quality grains with little nutritional value, such as wheat sweepings. Many dogs, especially German Shepherds, can become sensitive to these ingredients, causing stomach issues.
When you replace your dog’s diet with these high-quality proteins and vitamin-packed vegetables, you will be giving your dog ingredients that are better for his overall health.
What are the drawbacks of a raw food diet for German Shepherd puppies?
Although feeding raw is safe for German Shepherd puppies, there are some considerations to take into account before switching your pup’s diet. If you choose to change your dog’s diet, transition slowly over the course of a few weeks to avoid upsetting your puppy’s stomach.
#1 Risk of contamination for the owner
Even if dogs are better equipped to battle contaminants such as E.Coli and Salmonella, handling raw meat still poses a threat for humans. These bacteria can cause you to become very sick 1 to 10 days after exposure with the following symptoms:
- Stomach cramps
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- fever
It is important to wash your hands thoroughly after handling raw meat. It may seem obvious, but in the hustle and bustle of daily life, you may forget. You can use this video as a guide.
#2 Raw feeding can be expensive
Unfortunately, feeding raw meat to your puppy can be quite expensive. For the first year of life, feeding your puppy raw costs an average of $800 for the year. This is compared to an average of $200-$600 for typical dry dog foods.
If you are interested in the cost of dog food for puppies, check out our article How Much Does It Cost to Feed a German Shepherd Puppy in the First Year.
#3 Raw feeding is time-consuming
If you live a busy lifestyle, like many of us, preparing raw food for your dog each day or even weekly can be daunting. If you choose to feed raw, it is important to prep each meal carefully because you are in charge of providing all of the nutrients your puppy needs to be healthy.
This will include planning out the meals, purchasing the meats and foods, prepping the foods and meat, and supervising the feeds. This is a worthwhile endeavor, but it’s not for everyone.
If you want to get an idea of what the process of putting together a raw food meal looks like, you can watch this video:
#4 Feeding a balanced raw diet can be challenging
A balanced raw diet that contains high-quality meats is always ideal for your German Shepherd puppy. But is can be difficult to get the right mix when you first begin. The right ratios of muscle meat, organ meat, and bone, as well as the correct levels of vitamins and minerals, are critical to making a balanced diet.
What kinds of raw meats are good for German Shepherd puppies?
There are many raw meats you can feed your German Shepherd puppy. The best part about raw feeding is you can use literally every part of an animal, which provides the most benefit to your dog.
You can feed your puppy the following raw meats:
- Boneless chicken
- Turkey
- Rabbit
- Quail
- Cornish hen
- Duck
- Beef
- Lamb
- Wild game
You can use what you find at the supermarket, what you have on the farm, or what you get from hunting.
Can you feed German Shepherd puppies bones?
Bones have many other nutrients including marrow, iron, and antioxidants.
Bones are also great for dental health. When your dog eats bones, the bones act as a scraper, removing tartar and plaque buildup. This will help to prevent gum disease and tooth infections.
Teething puppies also benefit from chewing on bones to relieve teething discomfort.
However, when feeding your puppy bones, you need to take precautions. Make sure you are feeding frozen or raw bone only. Cooked bones are soft and can break easily. So they have a high chance of splintering and getting stuck in your pup’s throat, causing pain and risk of choking.
Puppies should always be supervised while eating bones. Some GSDs may gulp down their dinners, which can be dangerous when bones are in them.
How do I make sure my German Shepherd puppy has a balanced diet?
A raw food diet needs to be balanced to provide the best benefits for your German Shepherd puppy. There are two major diets owners follow. Each one will provide your puppy with the balance of nutrients he needs to grow up healthy and strong.
1. Biologically Appropriate Raw Food Diet (BARF)
The Biologically Appropriate Raw Food Diet (BARF) uses raw meat and other raw foods to provide your puppy with all of the nutrition he needs. Many of the items in this diet are items you would shop for yourself, so it’s easier to prepare meals this way.
Feeding puppies the BARF diet should be broken into the following proportions over the course of two weeks:
- 58% muscle meat
- 17% raw edible bone
- 7% vegetables
- 7% liver
- 7% other organs
- 3% seeds and nuts
- 1% fruit
You can watch this video for more information about feeding your puppies a raw food diet.
2. The Prey Model Raw Diet (PMR)
The Prey Model Raw Diet (PMR) involves feeding your German Shepherd puppy with only raw meat. This excludes vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy, and according to how strictly you want to adhere, even ground-up meats.
This model is trying to mimic the way a dog would eat in the wild. You are providing a balance of different animal parts to simulate a whole prey.
The proportions for feeding your puppy this model are the following:
- 64-69% muscle meat
- 17% raw edible bone
- 7% liver
- 7% 0ther organs
- 2-5% Animal-based insoluble fiber, such as fur, skin, and tissue
Sometimes this model can be more difficult to follow. These ingredients aren’t always readily available. You can get many of these ingredients at butchers’ shops, if you ask around.
How much raw meat should I give to my German Shepherd puppy at each age?
Determining how much raw meat to feed your puppy can be a challenge when starting out. Weight and activity level affect how much you feed him. On average, GSD puppies should eat approximately 8.8 – 12.35 ounces of raw food per feeding. This is calculated with 3 feedings per day.
Age | Number of Feedings | Amount |
6-24 weeks old | 4 | 6 ounces per feeding |
3-6 months | 3 | 8 ounces per feeding |
12 months + | 2 | 12 ounces per feeding |
Cali Raw suggests you calculate your puppy’s raw food amount by his predicted weight. They suggest feeding your dog 2.5% of its predicted weight. A male German Shepherd puppy at the predicted weight of 79 lbs would need 1.58 lbs of food a day (48.98 lbs a month).
Here is a video you can learn how much to feed your puppy:
Now, you would take this amount and divide up the different proportions of ingredients from either the BARF or PMR diet above to provide a balanced diet.
3 Tips from real German Shepherd owners for feeding puppies raw
Facebook German Shepherd groups are a great way to get tips for feeding your German Shepherd puppy raw. We have compiled 3 tips from seasoned owners who feed their puppies raw.
Tip #1 Buy a commercial raw food diet at first
Especially when you are starting out, building a raw food diet plan can be daunting. Facebook users suggested buying a commercial raw food diet in the beginning.
According to Adrian, “If you want the most cost-effective brand, Vital Essentials! I did the math…”
Yaohui also agreed with this suggestion: “Find a pre-made raw that is designed for puppies. My boy has been on BARF diet since he’s 10-11 months old, he’s 2 and a half now and currently doing half kibble and half raw due to cost and time limitations. Puppies have very different nutritional requirements than adults, so you need to be extra careful.”
Tip #2 Mix raw food with regular kibble instead of going full raw
Several owners suggested doing a mixture of raw and kibble. This not only will take the pressure off of you to provide your dog with all of the nutrients he needs, it will also be more convenient. With puppies, a balanced diet is a top priority. So, you have to be careful how you feed them.
Ray says, “My pup is 3 months…She eats Orgyn puppy food and raw meat. Meat varieties are venison, poultry, rabbit, beef, and raw egg with kibble. All meat is organic, homegrown and wild.”
Amy also adds, “I feed raw. However, for a puppy, it HAS TO be balanced correctly. I would see if you can get advice from raw feeding pages unless you’re only giving her a little raw on top of her kibble.”
Tip #3 Get Resourceful on How to Feed Raw on a Budget
The biggest complaint about feeding raw is how expensive it can get. Facebook GSD owners had suggestions for how to work around the high cost of raw foods for their puppies.
“Feeding raw full-time can get expensive, and I’d say the way around that is to feed as much raw as you are able to. Whether that’s 10%, 20%, etc. Some raw is better than none. The research shows even just part raw is so beneficial.” – Monica
“Get on your local salvage list for deer hit by cars. Bulk stores are great for discount meat. Make Friends with hunters. Ask friends for meat when they clean out their freezers… You can do it cheaper but you have to work at it. An 80/10/10 ratio is best. Feed bones they can chew… for their teeth and gums, feeding premade all the time is not good for their teeth.” Barbara, a GSD owner.
“If you have an Aldi (grocery store) near you !! take advantage!! they have bison & venison ground as well as basically all meat super cheap! I buy not only my dog’s meats but my family’s meals at the same time lol!” – Andrea
German Shepherd puppies can eat raw meat once teething is completed. In fact, a raw diet has many benefits for your dog. If you are interested in learning more, check out our article The Benefits of Feeding German Shepherds Raw Food.
More posts on feeding your German Shepherds

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On feeding your German Shepherd:
- How Much Does It Cost to Feed a German Shepherd Puppy in the First Year?
- How Much Does an 8-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy Eat in a Day? A Feeding Guide
- How Much Does a 3-Month-Old German Shepherd Dog Eat in a Day? A Feeding Guide
- How Much Does a 6-Month-Old German Shepherd Dog Eat in a Day? A Feeding Guide
- Can Dogs Eat Vanilla Ice Cream?
- 17 Human Foods That Are Safe For German Shepherds to Eat
- The Benefits of Feeding German Shepherds Raw Food
- How to Feed Your Dog Raw Food on a Budget?
- Is It Ok to Give Raw Meat to My German Shepherd Puppy?
For picky eaters: