German Shepherd 101

German Shepherd 101

The Ultimate Guide for German Shepherd Owners

Are Black German Shepherds More Aggressive?

Are Black German Shepherds Aggressive?

Are you looking to get a Black German Shepherd but worried about its temperament? With this dog’s intimidating look and media portrayal, I can see why you’re concerned. The impression of black dog being aggressive are merely based on myths and misconceptions.

There is no scientific evidence to prove that Black German Shepherds are more aggressive than standard German Shepherds. Fear, poor training, illness, and injury can cause any dog to become aggressive. With proper training and socialization, these dogs can become friendly and loyal family pets.

In this article, we will discuss all you need to know about aggression in Black German Shepherds. We will also explore the causes of aggression and how to prevent such behavior in your dogs. So, keep reading!

Are Black German Shepherds more aggressive?

There is no proof that Black German Shepherds are more aggressive than their standard German Shepherds.

Black dogs often have a bad reputation because of movie portrayals and superstitions about black animals. (e.g. black cats are commonly associated with “bad luck”.)

A dog’s coat color has no influence on his personality. 

Like their standard German Shepherds, their temperaments depend mostly on proper training and early socialization.

Why do people think Black German Shepherds are aggressive?

Unfortunately, some black dogs, like Pit bulls, Doberman Pinchers, black Labradors, Chows, and Rottweilers, are known as dangerous dogs and are prone to aggression. But there’s no evidence showing black fur makes a dog more aggressive. (Source: Black Dog Syndrome: Is It Real? – The Dogington Post)

Also read: The Black German Shepherd: 9 Facts You Didn’t Know

What are the main differences between the Black German Shepherd and the standard German Shepherd?

We have concluded that Black German Shepherds aren’t more aggressive than their standard cousins. So what’s different about them? 

Black German ShepherdStandard German Shepherd
OriginHerding dogs of German originHerding dogs developed in Germany
SizeFully grown male: 26 to 28 inches
Fully grown female:24 to 26 inches 
Some are slightly bigger than their standard counterparts
Fully grown male:24 to 26 inches
Fully grown female:22 to 24 inches 
WeightMale: 65-90 pounds
 Female:50-70 pounds
Male: 65-90 pounds 
Female:50-70 pounds
CoatDouble coated: Medium or long-haired coatsDouble coated: Medium or long-haired coats
ColorSolid black colorBlack and tan color
TemperamentLoyal, intelligent and energeticLoyal, intelligent and energetic
AvailabilityRare: Only 6.8% of all German Shepherds have entirely black furCommon
Cost of a puppy$2000-3600 $1800-3000

Are Black German Shepherds aggressive to other dogs?

Your Black German Shepherd’s behavior towards other dogs depends on his personality, socialization skills, and prior experiences.

Generally, Black German Shepherds are good with other dogs. If well-trained and socialized early on, they make friends with other dogs. However, a poorly socialized Black GSD can be aggressive toward other dogs.

Note that just like any German Shepherd, the Black German Shepherd’s protective instinct is strong and they can attack other dogs to defend their family if threatened.

 Are Black German Shepherds aggressive to cats?

We don’t want a classic case of Tom and Jerry on our hands, do we? Differences like the dog’s prey drive and communication issues often have these animals getting off on the wrong foot.

Black German Shepherds can get along with cats if socialized properly. More than just socializing your dog, the cat must be socialized as well. Individual personality plays a huge role in any dog’s attitude towards cats.

Related posts:

Are German Shepherds Good with Cats? (Tips for Training Your GSD to Be Gentle)

Will German Shepherds Dogs Kill Cats?

Are Black German Shepherds aggressive to other animals (e.g. rabbits, squirrels, etc)?

German Shepherds have a natural instinct to chase running animals. And GSD will grab, bite, injure, or accidentally kill chickens out of their prey drive. But this behavior can be changed if your dog is trained properly.

Will German Shepherds Kill Chickens?

When their prey drive kicks in, Black German Shepherds may have a tendency to chase and even kill small animals like chickens, rabbits or squirrels.

The good news is, Black German Shepherd puppies are easy to train and will be willing to accept new friends. If they are introduced early, both pets are more likely to end up being buddies.

The older your doggo is, the less welcoming he will be to new friends, especially those that trigger his hunting instincts. Despite this, with patience, good training, and a watchful eye, you can make an unlikely combination work.

Are Black German Shepherds aggressive toward children?

German Shepherds will be gentle family pets and steadfast guardians (Source: American Kennel Club). Along with their protective nature, these dogs are playful, intelligent, and fun to train.

More than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States, and more than 800,000 receive medical attention for dog bites. At least half of those bitten are children. 

U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

It is important to train your dog on how to behave around your child. And it is also your responsibility as an owner to teach kids to respect and care for dogs.

The bottom line is: Always supervise your dog and your child’s interaction when they’re together. By supervision, we mean watching closely and correcting unacceptable behavior of either your pup as well as your child if necessary.

Also read: Do Not Let Your Kids Play with a German Shepherd Until You Read This (Life-Saving Tips)

What Could Cause A Black German Shepherd To Become Aggressive?

There are many reasons why a Black German Shepherd could become aggressive. They may be violent due to

  • Poor training 
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Fear
  • Illness and injury

 We’ll discuss these later.

Wondering why your Black Shepherd has become more aggressive recently? Check out this video:

Signs of aggression in Black German Shepherds

Here are a few signs of aggression to look out for in your dog:

  • Growling
  • Snapping
  • Snarling
  • Pilorection
  • Bared teeth
  • Raised hackles
  • A fierce gaze 
  • A tense posture

If you notice one or more of these signs in your dog, calmly get him out of the triggering environment. If an aggressive dog threatens you, back away slowly.

Causes of aggression in German Shepherd dogs

1. Your German Shepherd is afraid

Fear or anxiety-related aggression is perhaps the most common form of aggression in dogs according to VCA animal hospitals. If your dog feels the need to defend himself, he will lash out at the threatening agent. 

2. Your German Shepherd is ill or injured

If an illness or injury is causing your dog discomfort, he might suddenly become aggressive. Some illnesses such as cognitive dysfunction, rabies, brain tumors, genetic disorders, etc can affect the brain and lead to aggression. This is known as medically-induced aggression.

3. Your German Shepherd is displaying territorial behavior

Dogs could be territorial over people, places, toys, plates, and any other thing. This behavior is also known as resource guarding.

4. Your German Shepherd has a traumatic past

One of the classic signs of canine PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is aggression. A dog with a hard past might become aggressive whenever they feel threatened. Such cases can be helped with a combination of behavioral therapy and medication.

5. Your German Shepherd lacks basic training

Although people often label German Shepherds as “aggressive”, no dog is inherently vicious. A dog who lacks training and socialization will develop behavioral issues.

Common behavioral issues seen in dogs include aggression, separation anxiety, excessive barking, biting, etc. Aggression remains the most common behavioral issue seen in dogs.

6. Your German Shepherd’s hunting instinct has kicked in

German Shepherds have a strong prey drive. This means that they are highly motivated to run after or “hunt” whatever they consider prey. Although prey drive doesn’t equal aggression, this drive leads German Shepherds to chase other animals and strangers.

How to prevent my Black German Shepherd puppy from being aggressive?

When it comes to aggression, prevention is better than cure. Here are steps you can take to prevent aggression in your Black German Shepherd puppy.

1. Create a training plan

Whether you are a new or seasoned owner, you must always have a training plan for your puppy. This should include your short and long-term goals, the steps to achieving those goals, and the training timeline.

We understand there are tons of information out there and it is intimidating to get started.

That’s why we have created The Ultimate Puppy Training Guide for First-Time GSD Owners with short videos you can follow:

2. Socialization

Socialization involves positively introducing your pup to the different people, animals, sights, smells, and sounds around them. This makes your puppy develop self-confidence and prevents fear-based aggression.

According to WebMD, puppies can begin socialization classes as early as 7-8 weeks. Once your pup has gotten its vaccinations and has been dewormed, you’re good to go!

Methods of socialization include an introduction to family members and other pets, taking walks in the park, taking car rides, grooming and handling, and all the experiences that a normal dog should have.

Also read:

German Shepherd Puppy Socialization: A Beginner’s Guide

Best GSD Training Tips From A Professional Canine Behavior Consultant

10 Best Training Tips for German Shepherd Puppies

3. Seek help early

However, if you still find training difficult or just don’t have the time for it, call a professional.


The Black German Shepherd is as friendly and loyal as any other German Shepherd. With patience and the right training, I can promise you a happy life with your Black German Shepherd.

Have you ever heard of “Black Dog Syndrome”? Do you know both black and non-black German Shepherds can produce “black” German Shepherd puppies? Or are black dogs (or Black GSD) less likely to be adopted? Read our post: The Black German Shepherd: 9 Facts You Didn’t Know

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Eric is a dog lover and a blogger. He loves spending time with dogs more than with humans. You will find him training himself for the next marathon when he is not writing. And he loves Thai food~
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